Conscious Heart Hypnotherapy is an experiential, closed eye, regression process that addresses body, mind, and spirit through a combination of psychological modalities and techniques including hypnosis, developmental psychology, humanistic psychology, behavior modification, CBT, Schema Therapy, adult ego strengthening, and energetic release work.
Using hypnotherapy, the client is able to access powerful internal resources within the subconscious mind to affect positive change in their life.
Is Hypnotherapy for Me?
Hypnotherapy can be beneficial in addressing the following:
When something new happens to us, we remember it and attach a reaction to that experience. Memories stored in our minds hold the original physical and emotional reactions that occurred when the memory was first formed. Each time similar events occur, the subconscious physical and emotional reactions attached to the original memory are repeated, and these reactions can be unhealthy, particularly outside the context of the original event. In hypnotherapy, the trained therapist gently guides the client through a process to recall the original event that triggered the initial reaction, separate the memory from the learned behavior, and reconstruct the event with new, healthier associations.
During hypnosis, a person's body relaxes while his or her thoughts become more focused and attentive. Like other relaxation techniques, hypnosis decreases blood pressure and heart rate, and alters certain types of brain wave activity. In this relaxed state, a person will feel very at ease physically yet fully awake mentally.
Allowing the body and mind to relax supports the development of positive affirmations and corrected behaviors that replace harmful or unhealthy ones, resulting in deeply profound healing experiences.
Our Conscious Heart Hypnotherapists are highly trained in powerful, specialized techniques that empower clients to move into deep levels of healing and wellness. Our practitioners compassionately utilize the techniques to foster relaxation and assist the client in gaining access to the subconscious mind where memories and behavior patterns are stored.
Throughout the session, they gently and safely guide the client to discover past connections to current issues, release and heal blocks and unhealthy patterns, change old beliefs, and create new, healthier behavior patterns and life decisions.
Frequently Asked Questions Will I know and remember what has happened? Absolutely!!
What if I can’t be hypnotized? You enter hypnosis or the trance state many times throughout the course of your day without thinking about it. It’s the same relaxed state you enter as you fall asleep, “zone out” while doing things like watching TV, working on a computer or even driving or daydreaming. With hypnotherapy you intentionally enter the trance state with therapeutic guidance in order to achieve a purpose.
I don’t want anyone controlling my mind. During hypnosis, you will not do anything that you do not feel agreement with on some level; you will still be in control. You can reject any suggestion or suggest the direction you would like to take during the session.
What if I can’t come out of the hypnotic state? There has never been a documented case of anyone being unable to come out of hypnosis.
Are you going to make me cluck like a chicken? People who do embarrassing things as part of a stage show have to agree to the experience on some level. Entertainers are experts at picking out those individuals who will be receptive to the suggestions.
If I open my mind to hypnosis, will that give the devil the ability to get in? Hypnosis is a similar state to the state of prayer, meditation or even what is experienced when driving on “auto-pilot.” It is natural and God-given, not something to fear. The purpose of hypnotherapy is to work within the relaxed hypnotic state to increase healthy thought patterns and behaviors and release negative and limiting thought patterns and beliefs that are impairing the client’s ability to lead a full and happy life.
What if I discover things I don’t want to know? It is possible to discover past events that were consciously forgotten and that may be painful; however, these events are not forgotten in the subconscious. They are often key to identifying patterns of behavior and thought that are controlling present experiences. Hypnosis is a way to access those subconscious patterns so you can choose how you wish to change the patterns that control your current experience. You might think of this like checking for tooth decay. While no one wants to discover a cavity, only through discovery and treatment can you ensure strong, healthy teeth.